2020. 3. 16. 15:36ㆍ카테고리 없음
Among the 76 top European researchers selected under the ERC Proof of Concept grants - third round 2019 - the ‘Terasec’ project proposed by Francesco Giazotto (Cnr-Nano) will develop an innovative device for the detection of security threats of European citizens and infrastructures.The researcher will receive a €150,000 grant to explore the innovation potential of its project and bring the results closer to market: the goal of the project is to deliver an unrivalled novel securLink. Francesca Telesio was a guest on Radio Aula40 episode 'The science to come'.
The first episode of the year of the radio program produced by the Cnr Area of Pisa broadcasted on January 16, involved 5 researchers to summarise the major advancement and the future opportunities of 5 disciplinary areas: medicine, nanomaterials, computer science, physics and robotics. Our Francesca Telesio explained the exciting new possibilities opened by the discovery of graphene and two-dimensional materials to theLink. An entrepreneurial project by Istituto Nanoscienze and Scuola Normale Superiore won the 2019 edition of Start Cup Toscana, the competition awarding the best entrepreneurial initiatives with high technological content developed by from the world of research.The winner, among 10 participants selected for the final run, is the future startup called 'Inta Systems'.
The project was presented by Marco Cecchini from Cnr-NANO and Matteo Agostini from SNS, who also received a 5,000 euros prizeLink.
Bodybuilding Competition
Inoltre, come risponderebbero questi soggetti allo stesso regime di allenamento dopo il periodo di non allenamento? I loro quadricipiti crescerebbero fino alla loro dimensione precedente, o anche oltre? Quanto impiegherebbero? Queste domande, se risolte, possono aggiungere un ulteriore perfezionamento ai regimi di allenamento tipici. Potrebbe veramente essere che in un periodo di 12 mesi le pause prolungate dall’allenamento possano permettere una crescita maggiore rispetto all’allenamento non interrotto.
Per i bodybuilder e gli atleti seri, si tratterebbe di un’informazione importante e potrebbe prolungare in modo significativo la loro carriera agonistica.